【Reviews】神戸外語教育学院/Kobe Foreign Language Education Academy


This page provides useful and detailed information on 神戸外語教育学院,its reputation, ranking, reviews, etc. Other information including school features, dormitory availability, admission period, tuition fees, etc., are also available on this page.
神戸外語教育学院is a Japanese Language School located inHyogo. Hyogo area belongs to Kinkiregion. The population is 5534800 ,and it is the No. 7 largest city in Japan. The crime rate is 1.623 ,much safer compared to other countries where crime rates are much higher. Part time workers are earning an average of 1052yen per hour. In terms of its climate, the region’s highest summer temperature is 38.8 degrees celcius and the lowest winter temperature is -7.2 degrees celcius.
  *Please click here to view full details on the average hourly wage for part-time jobs in Japan.

★神戸外語教育学院 has 12 reviews with an average score of 5 points on Google. Thus, it is in the top 20% of all schools and is among the best schools. We can see a lot of positive feedbacks on the individual comments and reviews which apparently shows that the students had a wonderful and fulfilling student life experience.
  *Details are at the bottom of this page.
  *Please refer to this article if you would like to see more information on Japanese Language Schools and their ranking.

★For the school’s tuition fees, refer to the following table. 
  * Please click here to check the tuition fees breakdown of the Japanese Language Schools.

★Please refer to the table below for the school’s admission periods.For further inquiries, you may contact the school directly through their website.

★ For student dormitories, please refer to the table below. Since the rent in the student dormitories is at a relatively reasonable rate, it is a good solution for those who want to spend less money on living in Japan, enjoy living with classmates, and live in a safe environment.

★ For the availability of higher education classes, please refer to the table below. Considering that more than 80% of foreign students who come to Japan are planning to enter universities or technical schools, the availability of higher education classes is an important factor in choosing a school.

Were the reviews and feedbacks from the graduates helpful in your choice of a school? We do hope that you were able to obtain more candid information than just what is available on the Japanese language school’s website.  In selecting a school, apart from the school’s reputation and credibility, it is also important to consider if the city where the school is located is a safe, convenient and comfortable livable environment. It is our great pleasure to help you find the best Japanese Language School with the information we have provided.

Minna no Nihongo Gakkou Jouhou (Information on Japanese Language Schools for Everyone) provides information on more than 1,000 schools which you can use as a reference on your research for best Japanese Language Schools.

【To All Graduates of Japanese Language Schools】
Minna no Nihongo Gakkou Jouhou (Information on Japanese Language Schools for Everyone) would appreciate any comments and feedbacks from our graduates. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated to help junior students choose the best school.
Location〒653-0002 兵庫県神戸市長田区, 長田区六番町5丁目6−1
Month of enrollment
Dormitory/month (Yen)
Number of students enrolled
Entrance to higher education
Tuition (Yen)
School home pagehttps://www.kobe-gaigo.jp.net/

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